Ing. Jan Procházka
President of HE3DA s.r.o
Ing. Jan Procházka worked in the USA for many years, where he focused on the study and development of technology for the production and practical use of nanomaterials based on inorganic oxides.
He was interested in the possibility of using lithium nanomaterials to produce a completely new generation of high-performance batteries, including the possibility to develop unique spatial (3D) electrodes based on these materials to create a new-generation battery cell with higher capacity than the 2D (planar) design allows.
After returning to the Czech Republic, Ing. Procházka continued in intensive research which resulted in the establishment of the company HE3DA s.r.o., where he and his team developed the technology of 3D batteries into the current practically usable form.
Ing. Jan Procházka is the author of a number of patents in this area and the HE3DA® technology is globally patented.